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Ksenia Valenti talks “Locked In The Dream”, New Music and More

Russian pop artist Ksenia Valenti spoke with POParazzi recently about her music, from her new song “Locked In The Dream”, to its upcoming music video, how her Russian heritage influences her work in LA, and more.

POParazzi:  “Locked In The Dream” is a dance banger with a beat that goes hard but also has melodic and soft lyrics. What inspired you to record this song?

Ksenia: I was going through a terrible break up. Now that I think about it, break ups are good; good songs come out of them.  

POParazzi: You started learning classical piano at age six. How has this shaped your current sound?

Ksenia: My sound has [changed] over time, [and] learning piano definitely helped [me] develop lots of musical skills, and I am grateful my mom enrolled in my music school!

POParazzi: What’s your creative process like? Do you enjoy writing and working with others, or are your songs usually written by yourself?

Ksenia: I can be driving, cooking or even sleeping, and I constantly generate scenarios, melodies for a possible song; my brain never stop working.  I enjoy working with other people. They help bring my ideas and songs to life. Its all about collaboration and team work.

POParazzi: Do you remember the first song you ever wrote?

Ksenia: I do remember the first song I ever wrote. I was 11. I was so desperately in love with this one boy at school, and I wrote a song about a one-sided love, called “My Love.” It was a hit amongst my friends. Now that I remember this song, I think it’s really cute.

POParazzi: If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be?

Ksenia: I would love to collaborate with Sam Smith. We would sing a very sad song and touch people’s hearts! 

POParazzi: You were a finalist on Russia’s “Sing If You Can” before moving to America. Does your Russian heritage influence your sound?

Ksenia: Well, my Russian heritage influenced my accent, but when I record and perform, I try my best to sound as American as possible. I feel like I am mostly influence[d] by American pop music, but I do have a deep Russian soul.

POParazzi: Are you working on any other music?

Ksenia: I am in my creative process at the moment! I’ll be writing more song[s] very soon!

POParazzi: Do you have a music video planned for “Locked In The Dream?

Ksenia: Yes, I am shooting [a] music video this Thursday! I won’t say too many details, but It’s going to be really awesome! 

POParazzi: Do you have any other artistic outlets that you enjoy?

Ksenia: Yes I do! I enjoy acting quite a bit. I also enjoy making people laugh, and [I] perform stand-up comedy! I never knew I was funny until I started doing live music shows shows. When I would talk in-between songs everyone would laugh [at] the things I would come up with as I introduced my next song. Turns out I was a comedian!

POParazzi: How has your experience coming to America and creating music been?

Ksenia: I love America! This is such a great country! I feel like, in the US of A, anything is possible, and I am so happy to be living my life here. Creating music has been fun too! There are so many amazingly talented like-minded people here in Los Angeles, and it’s very inspiring to be able to just call up your friend and be like, “Hey wanna get together and write a song?”

Keep up with Ksenia on Facebook and Twitter.

Written by Sam

Sam is the Managing Editor of POParazzi. He works primarily in Washington, DC. You can contact him at [email protected].

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